Thursday, January 8, 2015

Ecuador High Altitude Expedition Jan 2-11, 2015 Dispatch #1

Cayambe/Cotopaxi Jan 2-11, 2015 Dispatch #1

Guide:  Romel Sandoval
Climbers:  Rod N. and Tommy N.

January 3, 2015

Romel and Rod called this afternoon to report that they had a great time visiting the markets of Otavalo as they began their acclimatization.  Rod said:

“We’re a little tired as we got all of our souvenir shopping done today.  Not a small task but it was very successful!

Now we can focus on the climbing.  The weather has been fantastic.  We had a great day on Friday exploring Quito and today was beautiful too.  We’ve really been out and about and have been enjoying ourselves.

We got back to town today at about 4:15 pm.  It was a big day, and now we are looking forward to a good dinner.  We’ll keep you posted.”

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