Thursday, November 9, 2017

2017 Ecuador Cayambe/Antisana Skills Expedition (November 3 - 12, 2017) Dispatch 3

November 9th Dispatch:

Climbers: Todd & Priscilla Clayton, Meril Moen, Piotr Stapor, Jonathan Deffenbaugh

Romel Sandoval

Romel called Thursday afternoon to let us know that the group made a successful summit climb today on 15,080-foot Cayambe!

Three of our climbers were able to reach the summit, while the others opted to stay at a lower elevation and wait for the summit climbers return.

The weather was good, and one climber said, "It was just fantastic to step onto the top of such a great mountain. Totally exhilarating!" Everyone was quite excited about the team's successful day. They are all now enjoying big dinner and a restful evening at Hacienda Guachala. Tomorrow will be a rest day at another lodge before they head to their next climbing goal, Antisana.

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