Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Ecuador - High Altitude Expedition - November 2nd - 16th, 2012

Guide: Gaspar Navarrete

Climbers: Joel Dice, Jennifer Engelhardt, Jennifer Hale, Joseph Hale

Gaspar called at 7:12pm on November 5th with the following dispatch: 
"Today we had a great time climbing Guagua Pichincha high above the city of Quito. Everyone was feeling good
and the weather was really nice this morning with clear skies and sun. We made good time on the ascent and had lunch on the summit. We spent quite a bit of time on the summit just hanging out so the group could be exposed to the altitude and acclimatize as much as possible. We had good views From Cayambe in the north then down the chain of Antisana, Cotopaxi, the Illinizas, and Chimborazo. There were some thin high clouds in the afternoon, but the views of the peaks remained very clear.

We came down at an easy pace and then drove all the way to Hacienda Guachala near Cayambe. We just had a really nice dinner and are watching a little light rain fall. it started around 4pm. We are not worried about the rain though because It’ started around 4 pm. We're not worried. It's pretty common to have a little afternoon rain followed by clearing in the evening or night a clear skies in the morning. I am sure from the forecast that it will be clear again tomorrow morning like it was today. We should have a nice hike to Cayambe hut. Everyone is feeling good so we are excited about tomorrow, and we will call you sometime tomorrow night."

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