Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Denali Team 7 2013 - Dispatch 15

Denali Team 7: June 16 to July 6

Guides: Mark Cionek, Aili Farquhar, Braden Downey
Climbers:  Eric Cholis, Ian Stewart, Mark Horrell, Courtney Cholis, Nick Loring, Paolo Eugeni, Timothy Jowett, Neil Kapur, Charmain Broderick 

Mark Cionek called at 2pm PST on July 3rd with the following dispatch:

Unfortunately, due to time constraints and the weather the group decision is to head down the mountain. The weather doesn't look like it will break any time soon, the winds and temperatures are too formidable to move up the mountain. They've tried more than once and haven't made much progress up the mountain at all. They will probably begin descending today. 

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