Thursday, December 20, 2018

2018 Aconcagua Upper Guanacos Expedition - Team 1 (Dec 10 - 31, 2018) - Dispatch 11


Tad McCrea


Jennifer Jolliffe
Shelby Clippard
Michael Abel

From AAI lead guide Tad McCrea:

The team fought through some pretty gnarly winds last night clocking in at at least 80mph out of the west that lasted till the early morning. We had a couple guy lines bust but the explosive electrical storm to the east coupled with the nearly full moon allowed us to mend the lines sans headlamps. We broke camp during a lull in the wind and powered up into the headwind to Guanacos Camp 3 (at roughly 18000ft). We took the afternoon to rest. It seems like the weather  is setting up for us in a couple days, as soon as the winds die down a bit.

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