Sunday, June 8, 2014

2014 Denali Team 4 - Dispatch 11

Trip Dates: May 25 - June 14, 2014

Ben Gardner
Quino Gonzalez
Liz Daley

Team Members:
Davide Collini
Brian Dagg
Victor Konyashchenkov
Kamsen Lau
Benjamin Lee
Michelle Smith
Scott Smith
Julia Sorenson

Update Received: June 6, 2014. 11:00pm PST.  Quino called in from Camp 3. The morning was cold with snow, but the weather warmed up as the day progressed.  Team 4 was able to practice on the Fixed Lines where everyone had fun and learn some new techniques. 

Michelle and Julia shares some additional details and send their love back home.

Photos courtesy of AAI Collection.

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