Sunday, June 15, 2014

2014 Denali Team 5 - Dispatch 15

Trip Dates: June 1 - June 21, 2014

Richard Riquelme
Dylan Cembalski
Andy Stephen

Team Members:
Greg Barber
Steven Colonna
John Grace
Daniel Johnson
James Schoettler
Bruce Tocher
Joyce Tocher
Nicholas Tocher

Update Received:  June 15, 2014. 8:24pm PST. Team 5 is still at Camp 3. They were not able to move up today. Despite being holed up, they are keeping their competitive edge sharp with some cut throat card games -Hearts in particular. Team members send Happy Father's Day greeting to the dads back home...

Photos courtesy of C.M.Coolidge and AAI Collection.


Unknown said...

Hi John, got your message. Miss and love you too. I hope you guys get a better day tomorrow and move up to camp 4! Mom is coming on Wednesday. I'm taking her to Acro-Cats circus on Sat night. Fun stuff. Bet you wish you were here :) Love you. xoxo

john schoettler said...

Dear Jim-may the snow be firm to meet your feet; may the wind be always at your back; may the rains fall gently upon your fields; may the sun shine warmly upon your face; and until we meet again; may God hold Team 5 in the Palm of His Hand.
Love, Juan