Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Denali Team 1 - Dispatch #7

Denali Team 1: May 2-22, 2010

Guides: Forest McBrian and Mike Pond

Climbers: Rob Gribbin, Deke Williams, Jens Rabbels, Krushnaa Patil, Chris Shumate

Tuesday, May 11; 3:52pm

Forest called in with a quick dispatch:

Office: Hi Forest, How’s it going?

Forest: Good.

Office: Dispatch away…

Forest: Taking a weather day here at 14. The wind is blowing pretty hard. We composed a haiku about the storm for you all.

Streaming wisps of snow
Watching stars collide all day
We've no idea

Forest: That’s with an apostrophe.

Office: Wait. Isn’t that 4 syllables at the end? I thought Haikus were 5-7-5.

Forest: I think that’s 5 syllables.

Office: Right! What else?

Forest: Everyone’s hunkered down in their tents, just resting up. I'm eating breakfast, having some toast right now.

Office: Any other comments?

Forest: We've developed some factions among the group. We have one roped tyrannosaurus rex and some pterodactyls.

Unfortunately, the phone cuts out! Sounds like they're keeping themselves entertained and getting some rest while the storm passes!

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