Friday, May 28, 2010

Denali Team 2 - Dispatch #6

Denali Team 2: May 16 - June 5, 2010

Guides: Paul Ivaska, Chantel Astorga, Kevin Hogan

Climbers: John McQueston, Nick Pearce, Sarah Nelson, Roger Woolett, Simon James, Max Bouev, Jeff Marks, Alex Roetter, Mark Michelin

AAI Guide Kevin Hogan just called (Friday, 2:00pm Pacific Standard Time) from High Camp on Denali. He sounded out-of-breath on the phone, which isn't unusual for someone calling from 17,200 feet.

"We worked our way up here yesterday and it was a very looooong day," Kevin said. "The team trooped through it all. But it was a heavy and cold day."

As Kevin was speaking, the phone continually cut in and out and I didn't get every comment from him. But I was able to decipher that they will be trying to make the summit tomorrow and that it looks like that is the best day for it.

"Supposedly a low-pressure system is going to be coming in on Sunday, but who knows. The reports and the reality are all cattiwampus," he complained. "It's about ten degrees out right now and it probably got down to 15 below last night..."

Before the phone cut out entirely, I was able to share as many comments from the blog as possible with him...



Unknown said...

For: Sarah Nelson

Hey, Baby! I had no idea I could talk to you! I miss you tons. I'm so proud of you. Things are busy but good over here. Stay warm and think of me.

From: Adam

ciaoamy said...

Alex- Good luck tomorrow! It's your destiny! Love and miss you. Amy

Mary said...

Roger, Good luck tomorrow! Stay warm and come down safe and whole. I love and miss you lots.

Anonymous said...

Alex, nous croisons les doigts depuis la France... bises
Marion et Nico

TallTails said...

Si, best of luck to you and the whole team for the summit attempt. I have every faith you will make it, just be strong and try and enjoy the view. Love Karin xxx

Adriel said...

Sarah good luck today! Hello from the Costa del Sol!

Anonymous said...

Hey K,
Good luck! Can't wait to hear about the adventures when you get back. Climb on, be safe--as always,

Adrian said...

Mark and Alex! Roger and I are thinking of you and wishing you the best. We can't wait to hear all about your crazy and chilly adventures. Hope you are warm and exhilarated! Adrian

Beth said...

Good luck, hope the weather cooperates with you!

Anonymous said...

go and get it kevin hogan! yeah!

Unknown said...

Mark, enjoy the snowcappers. I hope it is everything you hoped it would be and that Alex is doing a good job keeping you warm. love, sarah

Beth said...

To John from Beth - Assuming no news means you all are snowed in high camp waiting for high pressure. Crossing my fingers for you all! <3

Anonymous said...

For simon joseph says have sunny day, see you soon. Xx

ciaoamy said...

This message is more for Team 2's family and friends than the climbers. I'm happy to report that I just talked to Alex and he said they summitted on Saturday. All are doing well and they are headed down to base camp this evening! Congrats team 2!