Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Denali Team 2: May 6 to May 26 - Dispatch #9

Guides: Mike Pond, Dustin Byrne, Alan Rousseau

Climbers:  Roy Cursley (UK), Kayla Cooper (Washington), Damon Vincent (Missouri), Greg Lamarche (B),  Christine Burke (Australia)

Mike Pond called Monday May 21st at 7:24pm PST with the following dispatch: This is Mike with Team 2. We are getting excited for our summit attempt tomorrow. For the last two days, yesterday and today, parties have been reasonably successful. 

It's pretty windy up there so that's going to be the biggest barrier to overcome. That compiled with fairly cold temperatures will make for fairly challenging conditions up there. That said, there's no storm coming so at least that's good. All of our five remaining people are fairly strong. Chris, Kayla, Greg and Roy. They're all feeling really strong, and are pumped up to have our chance at the summit. We're just doing our final preparations this evening and plan on leaving tomorrow about 10am. That should put us on the summit, at the latest, at about 7pm. Best wishes to everyone out there, we know you're rooting for us, so thanks a lot and talk to you tomorrow. 


Jason Martin said...

An anonymous poster recently asked why there hadn't been any posts from Team 2 for awhile. It is not uncommon for teams to have problems with their sat phone due to weather. Sometimes it's hard to charge the phone and sometimes the guides believe they are leaving messages, but they are actually talking to a dead line.

Hopefully we'll hear later today about Team 2 and their success...

--Jason Martin, Director of Field Operations

Kris Slentz & Ken Howell said...

To Dustin and the rest of Team 2...We're looking forward to the news of a successful summit. You people are truly amazing!
Kris & Ken

Kris Slentz & Ken Howell said...

Nice to read such an upbeat update. We've missed hearing from Team 2!

Vijay P. Kumar said...

Wish you all the best of luck with the summit attempt today!


Anonymous said...

This is a message for the Dubai boys wanted to wish you good luck today attempting the summit would be the best birthday gift someone could give me today.maria conceicao Dubai