Thursday, June 28, 2012

Denali Team 7: June 10 to June 30 (private) - Dispatch #17

Guides: Richard Riquelme, Ben Gardner, David Farkas

Climbers: Guy Munnoch, John Moorhouse, Andrew Jenkins, Andrew May, Sid Ratnavelu, Graham Dawson, Jeremy Middleton

Guide Richard Riquelme called June 27th at 5:53pm PST with the following dispatch: Hi this is Richard, I'm finally able to call. The SAT phone was not getting through the clouds or too busy to connect most of the day. 

Tonight we will be moving down to the airstrip. Hopefully we will get to 7800 feet, have nice meal and a nice nap, and then continue to the airstrip which right now is the operating strip. Maybe by Thursday in the afternoon we will be able to fly out if there's a break in the clouds. So, that's it, we'll give a call tomorrow to keep you updated as we go down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To Guy and the WHOLE amazing team....from a mere mortal.
WELL DONE! I am in complete awe of you all. Safe home and all the best, Bine