Sunday, June 10, 2012

Denali Team 8: June 10 to June 30 - Dispatch 1

Guides: Andrew Yasso, Mary Harlan, Paul Rosser

Climbers: Geoff Strommer (Oregon), Jennifer Logan (UK), Paul Davies (UK), Steven Hart (Florida), David Chambers (Texas), Brian Roark (Texas), Virginia Cross (Australia), Swati Olebe (New York), Selina Dicker (UK)

Andrew Yasso, wrote this dispatch at 2:30pm on 6/10/12

"Hi everyone, it's Andrew from Team 8. We are all packed off and ready to fly out. We had the pleasure of waving off Richard and his team (7), and are patiently waiting for the return of his planes so we can head out. We started off with fairly good weather this morning, however overall it has been quite variable over the past few days and we are eager to get onto the mountain before weather potentially moves in.

Flying into basecamp on the Kahiltna glacier requires good weather in a number of places, namely Talkeetna, basecamp itself, and the few key mountain passes. There is actually a mountain pass named “One Shot,” which I'm going to leave up to you to imagine. Hopefully we'll have a clear flight in and have some photos for you upon our return!

Regardless, the team is quite psyched and looking strong. Our equipment is weighed in, we enjoyed some pizza for lunch, and now we are just in “hurry up and wait,” mode. I'm personally looking forward to getting back on the mountain for my second trip, and hoping it is as successful as the first (Team 3).

Below is a quick video of the team, a bit shell shocked at first after the whirlwind of everything that has been going on today. However, as you can see, we're looking forward to a (hopefully) quick and fun expedition. Thank you to everyone who is following us, and we appreciate all the support you've given us which has undoubtedly helped encourage us to get here! My next call will likely come from basecamp."


Vijay P. Kumar said...

Good luck Swati!

Natasha Swan said...

Missing you at the climbing reunion! Praying for you.
Jon, Lori, Tash